Medivia's staff reserves the right to stop destructive behaviour in the game and forum. Such behaviour includes, but is not limited to, the following offences:
1. Names
a) Offensive Name
Names that are insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable.
Punishment: Banishment until player changes name.
b) Invalid Name Format
Names that contain parts of sentences (except for guild names), badly formatted words or nonsensical combinations of letters.
Punishment: Banishment until player changes name.
c) Name Containing Forbidden Advertising
Names that advertise brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money.
Punishment: Banishment until player changes name.
d) Unsuitable Name
Names that generally do not fit into Medivia's medieval fantasy setting.
Punishment: Banishment until player changes name.
e) Name Supporting Rule Violation
Names that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the Medivia rules.
Punishment: Banishment until player changes name.
f) Name Impersonation
Names similar to the names of other players, used to impersonate as another player in order to take advantage or harm their reputation.
Punishment: Banishment until player changes name.
2. Statements
a) Offensive Statement
Insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable statements in public channels such as game or trade chats. Please note, we do not take any responsibility nor actions regarding statements between players on private or default chats.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
b) Spamming
Excessively repeating identical or similar statements or using badly formatted or nonsensical text.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
c) Advertising
Advertising brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
d) Off-Topic Public Statement
Religious or political public statements or other public statements which are not related to the topic of the used channel or board.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
e) Violating Language Restriction
Non-English statements in boards and channels where the use of English is explicitly required.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
f) Disclosing Personal Data of Others
Disclosing personal data of other people.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
g) Supporting Rule Violation
Statements that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the Medivia Online Rules.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
h) Griefing
Abusing or taking advantage of game mechanics and freedoms in order to deliberately and without justification excessively harass other players within the game, especially in ways which would prevent them from progressing within or playing the game.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
i) Hostile towards us
Spreading false information or starting propaganda about the server which may cause a reduction of the server's population or harm the server's reputation. Attempting to take advantage of any part of our services by providing incorrect information to staff members.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
3. Cheating
a) Bug Abuse
Exploiting obvious errors of the game or any other part of our services.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
b) Using Unofficial Software to Play, Modifying Official Software or Pretending to Cheat
Manipulating or modifying the official game client program in a way to gain advantage over other players, abusing the official game client, using additional software to play the game or pretending to cheat to mislead staff members on purpose.
Punishment: Deletion and depending on the severity of the violation all shared accounts might be subject to deletion as well.
c) Using More Than Two Game Clients to Play
It is perfectly legal to use more than one game client to play on each world simultaneously with up to two characters (different accounts), but only under circumstances of using the second character to make runes, train skills or hunt monsters.
When using two characters on the same world, it is prohibited to move or stand in a way that prevents other players to pass through or is interrupting other players in any other way (blocking path, blocking access to or from hunting zone, blocking access to or from the deposit, blocking spawns, blocking access to NPCs, killing players, etc.)
Participating in any PvP activities when using two or more game clients is strictly prohibited. Abusing multi-client by hunting monsters on the same spot using both characters (sharing experience points, blocking monsters, healing using a multi-client, etc.) or making a quest on both characters at the same time is also forbidden.
Punishment: Banishment or deletion depending on the severity of the violation.
4. Legal Issues
a) Account Trading or Sharing
Offering account data to other players, accepting other players' account data or allowing other players to use your account.
Medivia does not take any responsibility towards the action of selling, buying, sharing or trading accounts.
b) Game Items Trading
Offering virtual items in Medivia world for real money or products of third parties.
Medivia does not take any responsibility towards the action of selling, buying, sharing or trading in-game items.
c) Hacking
Stealing other players' account or personal data.
Medivia does not take any responsibility towards the action of hacking. However, we do consider advertisement of such actions to be penalized which may lead to a deletion of your account.
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