Dear players
It will be soon 12 years of uninterrupted online time since Legacy world was first launched and is still online up to this day. Throughout the whole history of Medivia we have created a lot of different worlds with different rates and different locations (Europe, Canada and USA). However, all of our worlds had one thing in common, they were normal player versus player worlds (PvP) with basic restrictions of having skulls for killing other players and some sort of soft frag limit. A lot of players asked us to create Non-PvP worlds in which it would be impossible to attack other players and we always thought this might be a bad idea due to Medivia being more PvP oriented. However, we would never know otherwise, so we decided it's about time to try something new. The new world won't be purely Non-PvP since we decided to work on so called guild wars for the sole purpose of having it on the new world. Guild war is a declaration of war between guilds in which certain fee is paid and certain amount of frags is agreed on by both guilds as well as the time limit is set. There are no skulls, no restrictions, once the amount of frags is met by one guild then the war is won and all fees are transferred to the winner.
Despite this news being an announcement of the new world we would like to point out a few extra changes we are about to make in this month before the launch, such as:
* Implementation of the new experience formula without any cap.
* Merge of all skills into one melee skill (fist, club, sword, axe).
* Some other changed discussed by our developer Eldrin on the Discord in the feedback channel.
* Rune, spell, distance fighting and melee fighting damage rework.
* Skills and items will have greater impact on damage.
Regarding new Non-PvP world Serenity which will be located in Europe, following features will be implemented:
* No spawn blocking (monsters will spawn regardless whether someone is on the spawn or not).
* Passable creatures (walk through).
* No healing of monsters.
* Corpse ownership.
* PvP guild wars.
The rates of Serenity will be exactly the same as those of Progeny and Eternum:
Very fast paced, Optional-PvP, hotkeys, staged experience, tripled loot rate, quadrupled skill rate, tripled magic rate, doubled regeneration rate.
Serenity is scheduled for launch at 20:00 CEST on June 30, 2023.
Store runes charges on Serenity:
For the first 5 months, rune charges within the Store will be adjusted every month after server launch. Rate of rune charges will begin at 1.4x and will increase by 0.4x every month until 3.0x rate. For your information, the current charge rate on Pendulum and Purity is 3.0x.
That means for 20 Medivia Coins you will be able to purchase a sudden death rune with:
- 147 charges for the first 30 days after launch (1.4x rate),
- 189 charges after 30 days have passed since the server launch (1.8x rate),
- 231 charges after 60 days have passed since the server launch (2.2x rate),
- 273 charges after 90 days have passed since the server launch (2.6x rate),
- 315 charges after 120 days have passed since the server launch (3.0x rate).