The oldest login in Medivia was 13 years ago on a character Spidi From Anarchy.
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Community Manager
Dear players

As our yearly event for black week(end) we have decided to take a bit of different approach to avoid congestion over the weekend. A year ago we had a black weekend over period of 4 days (including Friday and Monday) with 25% increased rates (all rates) and 25% discount in the game store. However, since then we have resigned from global increased rates events in favor of vouchers.

That being the case, for this year we have decided to extend black weekend to 3 black weeks (from server save on 11th of November to server save on 2nd of December) with 20% discount in our game store and with total of 21 vouchers for everyone to enjoy without having to squeeze over period of the weekend like before.

Have fun!

There were changes made to the game after the server save. Please check our website's News sections for details.

2 months 1 week ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

The following changes were made after the server save:

- Amount of elite boosters active are now visible in skills window in game client.
- Updated healing values of Light Heal Friend and Heal Friend spells in the spellbook.
- Corrected spellbook spell description of druid's Elemental Shield spells.
- Fixed an issue that caused Purification to give caster a skull when spell was casted on player outside party.
- Fixed an issue that caused Purification ticks to heal more than intended.
- Corrected Lesser Healing Rune name in store.
- Fixed an issue that allowed to accept more than one Tylar task. It is now not possible to progress any Tylar task as long as more than one Tylar task is active.
- Newly added Novus creatures now appear in Novus Bestiary.
- Havoc Apostle's Curse attacks are no longer affected by nearby monsters.
2 months 1 week ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Dear players

Due to many requests we have added a direct purchase of premium time for 90, 180 and 360 days directly on our website with a discount! The discount is 5%, 10% and 15% respectively.

Below are the current premium prices on our website:

30 days of premium - 6,00 EUR.
90 days of premium - 17,10 EUR.
180 days of premium - 32,40 EUR.
360 days of premium - 61,20 EUR.


2 months 1 day ago
by Iryont (57 None of Legacy) Quote
Dear players


Make sure to not miss it!
1 month 3 weeks ago
by Iryont (57 None of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

The game has been updated to version 8.20. Please check the news for more information.

Have fun and please restart your game clients for a mandatory update!
1 month 2 weeks ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

The following changes were made after the server save. There is a non mandatory game client update that addresses few reported graphical issues.

- Enchanted scarf and enchanted platinum amulet is now enchantable.
- It is now possible to remove blessed sigil from enchanted scarf and enchanted platinum amulet.
- Fixed an issue where phoenix task would now appear in task menu.
- Full Demon Slayer outfit is now required to travel with NPC Dead Ferryman for free.
- Changed NPC Tourden's "Duke's Shining Armor" addon quest. The addons are now for free for players with base outfit unlocked.
- Fixed some minor map bugs.

- Fixed several graphical issues.
This change requires a game client update.
1 month 2 weeks ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Dear players

There was a gfx update (non-mandatory, so please restart your game client to see newest changes). It fixes recently reported issues.
1 month 2 weeks ago
by Iryont (57 None of Legacy) Quote
Dear players

There was a game client update released with following changes:

* Added a possibility to skip middle frames of animation of player characters in the Options -> Graphics (Step animation).
* Added a possibility to change speed of animation (step animation divisor) in the Options -> Graphics (Step animation).
* Added new outfit window.

Please restart your game clients if you wish to update.

1 month 2 weeks ago
by Iryont (57 None of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

The following changes were made after the server save:

- Renamed Eastern Mittenhoff minecart station to Port Mittenhoff.
- Radiant Phoenix now spawns after killing several radiant paladins instead of spawning naturally on the map.
- Oathbreaker single target attack now deals percentage damage instead of fixed damage.
- Increased Oathbreaker's orb attack cast duration from 1.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
- Reduced Blighted Dwarf Champion indicator duration.
- Reduced tutorial quest reward from 2000 gold coins to 300 gold coins.
1 month 1 week ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

The following changes were made after server save:

- Gold pouch subscription on Divinity game world now depletes 3 times faster, in the same rate as premium.
- Fixed an issue where Umbral Wyvern's attack dealt much less damage than intended.
- Fixed several reported map issues.
1 month 1 week ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
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