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Forum > News > Change Log
Community Manager
Dear players

The following changes were made after the server save:

- Fixed an issue that prevented entrance to Master Mitrik boss arena due to location moved in recent patch.
- An entrance to the Mortem's Black Castle in Sheol is now working properly.

Additionally, changes were made to dynamic spawn rate system. The party no longer has to be active when monster's spawn time is calculated (up to 10 seconds after it has been killed), but now the party has to be recently active in last 60 seconds. This change is to prevent cases where party goes inactive for several seconds due to one or more party members being too far away from rest of the party (for e.g. looting a body), thus making the party inactive when monster's spawn time is calculated. Due to this, in hunting zones such as Church of Anchegul or Cathedral of the Divine Flame there were instances where one or more creatures spawning near the stairs or a portal took more time to respawn than intended, as party, therefore dynamic spawn time feature was not active.

Also, the party members have to participate in any monster kill (deal damage or take damage from killed monster) in last 5 minutes instead of 1 minute. This change is to prevent cases where monster's spawn time was only partially decreased when some party members have not recently participated in a kill of a monster and did not have a chance to deal or receive damage from a low health monster.
8 months 2 weeks ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

Thank you for your feedback regarding the dynamic spawn timers. We've observed that while some hunting zones allow players to reach the expected experience per hour at the expected level, others require a higher level to achieve the intended experience. We are currently working on adjusting these hunting grounds to better match our intended gameplay experience. However, as these adjustments will take time, we have decided to launch an increased rates event that will last from 31/05 to 7/06.

During this increased rates event, we will continue to gather your hunting data to further improve and adjust the hunting grounds. To ensure you are not discouraged by any potential lower experience per hour during this period, you will receive 10 vouchers. These vouchers can be spent on XP boosts to compensate for any discrepancies in experience per hour. Additionally, you can use the vouchers for increased skill and magic level boosts. To make sure the hunting data is accurate spawn rate boost will not be available this event.

Next week, you can expect potential changes to the dynamic spawn system itself, adjustments to the hunting zones, and the introduction of a new 3-man party hunting zone that we teased last week.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope you enjoy the event!
8 months 1 week ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

The following changes were made after the server save:

- Increased gargoyle's defense so gargoyles block the same amount of damage as before changes to monster defense formula.
- Fixed an issue that caused only a part of monsters loot to be colored in party loot message.
8 months 5 days ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

The game has been updated to version 7.70. The following changes were made after the server save:

- Character's level is now displayed in the chat next to character's name.
- Fixed the spawntimer of a singular snow ravager within Forgula.
- Fixed the spawntimer of a singular black widow in the Sheol black widow spawn.
- Fixed some minor grammar mistakes.
- Fixed an issue where players unable to enter the boss fight in Sheol seals could affect maximum health of boss by entering the teleport.

Added the following hunting zones:

Blighted Mines:
- New creatures: Blighted Dwarf, Blighted Dwarf Champion
- Location: Mittenhoff Mines
- Recommended party: 3x level 400 characters
- Estimated experience per hour: 2900k exp/hour in party of 3.

Wild Grove
- New creature: Feralwood Druid, Bear Spirit
- Location: Lucindel
- Recommended party: level 450 druid
- Estimated experience per hour: 2800k exp/hour solo

Have fun and please restart your game clients for a mandatory update!

8 months 3 hours ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

We would like to announce a new high rated world called Dynasty coming on 28th of June hosted in France, Europe! This world will have hotkeys.

Dynasty will inherit the following rates similar to Progeny:
- Level 1 to Level 20: 24x
- Level 21 to Level 60: 16x
- Level 61 to Level 120: 8x
- Level 121 to Level 180: 4x
- Level 180+: 2x

- Loot rate: 2x (The lootrate on Progeny is 3x, but we've decided to lower it to 2x for Dynasty)
- Skill Rate: 8x
- Magic Rate: 3x
- Regeneration Rate: 4x

Dynasty is scheduled to launch on 28th of June, 2024 at 20:00 CEST (10 hours after server save).

7 months 4 weeks ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

We have taken your feedback into consideration and have decided on two additional changes about today's patch.

Firstly, we would like to address blessing price of high level characters. We have decided to introduce a price cap that depends on game world loot rate. On low loot rate game worlds, for example Liberty, blessing price will be capped at 40.000 gold, so 200.000 gold in total for 5 blessings. On high loot rate game worlds, for example Progeny, blessing price will be capped at 120.000 gold, so 600.000 gold in total for 5 blessings.

We have also decided to tweak the house rent on low rate servers. Simply saying, on high loot rate game worlds rent price will remain the same, but on low loot rate game worlds rent price will be 3 times lower.

Blessing price change will be implemented soon, but house rent price will be updated after the server save.
Thank you for your feedback!
7 months 3 weeks ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

The following changes were made after the server save:

- Characters with free account status can now travel via ship between Eschen, Lucindel, Thoris and Arak.
- Adjusted house rent on game worlds with low loot rate. The rent is now divided by three.
- Added a blessing price limit: 40.000 gold coins on low loot rate game worlds and 120.000 gold coins on high loot rate game worlds.
7 months 3 weeks ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Community Manager
Dear players

The following changes were made after server save:

- Free account players can now also travel via boat to Mittenhoff.
- Fixed an issue where house rent was decreased on high loot rate worlds instead of low loot rate worlds.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players with free account status to travel with boat using the traveling module.
7 months 3 weeks ago
by Eldrin (119 Knight of Legacy) Quote
Dear players

Please be aware of network attacks we are currently facing on our EU node due to Dynasty launch which might prevent from you logging in quickly. However, once you login you should be able to play without issues.

We do apologize for any inconveniences.
7 months 2 weeks ago
by Iryont (57 None of Legacy) Quote
Dear players

Please be aware that due to a small bug a player with red skull and amulet of loss will still have a chance to lose items (100% for backpack and 10% for the rest).

This is not intended and it will be fixed after the incoming server save. Amulet of loss should prevent losing items even with red skull.
7 months 1 week ago
by Iryont (57 None of Legacy) Quote
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