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Community > Guilds > Destiny > Brazilian Alliance
Guild #7949 - Brazilian Alliance (founded on Wed, Aug 14, 2019 6:29 PM)

Soldado [8 ~ 99]
Cabo [100 ~ 199]
Sargento [200 ~ 279]
SubTenente [280 ~ 299]
Tenente [300 ~ 349]
Capitão [350 ~ 399]
Major [400 ~ 449]
TenenteCoronel [450 ~ 499]
Coronel [500 ~ 549]
General [550 ~ 599]
Marechal [600 +]

A Brazilian Alliance é focada em ajudar os outros jogadores, somos um time cooperativo que preza pelo bom e velho RPG, temos o mundo todo de Medivia para explorar sob nossos pés. Possuímos uma estrutura hierárquica onde o respeito deve existir independente da posição, e sempre incentivamos o fortalecimento dos nossos membros.
Petris (Fisher) - Imperial Knight
Tribino - Imperial Knight
Charutin - Crusader Knight
Ugin (TheSpiritDragon) - Guardian Druid
Jude Bellingham (WarVeteran) - Master Archer
Nagol the Keeper (Shieldwall) - Imperial Knight
Boaz Castro (Maestro) - Royal Archer
Kapse Sky - Guardian Druid
Scux Tigon - Knight
Mestre - Druid
Tryckster (SioBaoDms) - Guardian Druid
Kiid Red - Knight
Hikimaru (Cashew) - Guardian Druid
Caruzin - Mage
Centauros (TaxiAqui) - Royal Archer
Shield - Knight
Nazr (WeAreNeutral) - Knight
Trimax (COOORRE) - High Mage
Toddy Mectref - Royal Archer
Stan Slash - Druid
Godits Neverdie - Guardian Druid
Soul Humilde - Druid
Inuyoshe El Mage - High Mage
Brave Heart - Guardian Druid
Boora Pedroo (WeAreNeutral) - Guardian Druid
Runemoon - Guardian Druid
Belldandy - High Mage
Doki Boy (LittleBoy) - Guardian Druid
Nayfranchi de Danera (WeAreNeutral) - Knight
Isabella Messutii (Tigresinha) - Archer
Crap (WeAreNeutral) - Guardian Druid
Jezonel - Knight
Princess Carla - Knight
Smookeweed (WeAreNeutral) - Knight
Bruxaura - High Mage
Maeltar (WeAreNeutral) - Druid
Drovin (WeAreNeutral) - High Mage
Capitao Turuga (WeAreNeutral) - Guardian Druid
Clericoaz (BoazCastroAqui) - Guardian Druid
Lady Carla - Guardian Druid
Fiscal - Archer
Lord Fodase - Knight
Jasmim - Druid
Boazorcerer (BoazCastroAqui) - High Mage
Nokody - Knight
Vykking - Guardian Druid
Hrolfserkvy - Knight
Nicol Bolas - High Mage
Sete Belo - Knight
Kininha (IgyPadauan) - Knight
Newbie Store - High Mage
Papa Hemp - Archer
Master Cebollao (EuSouBittermanJR) - Archer
Xaropin - Guardian Druid
Big Plato - Archer
Controle - Druid
Kadriatique - Archer
Rxxts - Royal Archer
Norbdo - Mage
Magebane - Imperial Knight
Vanessa Ives - Guardian Druid
Vyrtual - Mage
Vecna - High Mage
Whey Potter (MagoDasParadas) - Guardian Druid
Iyeess (llllllllllllllllllll) - High Mage
Nanzok - Knight
Gry - Knight
Mechame de Sinha - High Mage
Soulfire - Mage
Qamari - Knight
Kateka - Druid
Doge - Knight
Laura Demori (Motomami) - High Mage
Tanker of Hell - Knight
Flik (WeAreNeutral) - Knight
Tedros - Mage
Paozikazz - Knight
Garfield - Royal Archer
Din Cake - Imperial Knight
Hyundai Sonata - Knight
Tulipics (Chiroptera) - Imperial Knight
Juca Flecha - Royal Archer
Liybdmea Dono - Knight
Dafenas - Imperial Knight
Sambiquira (WithoutDEDOboyfriend) - Knight
Angel Ogihci (Vaizard) - Royal Archer
Taxi Drive - Imperial Knight
Proronga - Royal Archer
Grunxo - Imperial Knight
Dark Spider Tuliver (Alyshow) - Imperial Knight
Leecon (MartialArtist) - Imperial Knight
Arcanjoraph - Archer
Hazkex (Gordinho) - Druid
Sobreirz tasker - Guardian Druid
Phelegolas - Archer
Torag - Knight
Stieve (Cleptomaniaco) - Archer
Cloudd Strife (SephirothSLAYER) - Knight
Metanoia (Marido) - Imperial Knight
Estamos Burros (BotSlayer) - Imperial Knight
Ravennh - Archer
Lost'Act - Imperial Knight
Ryudan (SeuMarido) - Imperial Knight
Azimov - Knight
Crispinz (EscravoDelas) - Druid
Fi du - Imperial Knight
Indiow Pacifico - Imperial Knight
Gogo'slack - Knight
Lyk - Imperial Knight
Bitterman - Archer
Pazeli - Guardian Druid
Just Adapt (TreasureHunter) - Royal Archer
Juventu - Imperial Knight
Samantha Bell - Imperial Knight
Veighar (EueoGordaum) - Mage
Dinosauro (GOtozuuu) - Imperial Knight
Ethereal Eternity (Aethel) - Supreme Mage
Jotinho - Master Archer
Paulo Doidjoo - Master Archer
Cursed Ryan (Thorkell) - Imperial Knight
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