The oldest login in Medivia was 13 years ago on a character Spidi From Anarchy.
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Community > Guilds > Legacy > White Rose
Guild #479 - White Rose (founded on Sun, Feb 17, 2013 7:19 PM)
The White Rose

Our home is the White Rose Clanhall, Cormaya.

What do we stand for?

We are a peaceful guild, and avoid conflicts at all costs. However, if one of us is in despair, we do not shy away from violence to defend one of our kind.

We enjoy Medivia in many different ways. Some of us like to PG, some like to RPG, some just like to chat, some love to explore. But each and every one of us enjoys friendship. This we all have in common.

Our Goal is to have fun, help the community, contribute to the server and show people that Oldschool is not dead.
Besides that we are looking forward to gather clues, and eventually finish one of the Epic Quests.

The guild was founded on Medivia on Feb 17 2013.

See you Ingame! And have Fun!
Sanjo (Sanjito) - Knight
Hotchkiss (Quartermaster) - Archer
Yithe (ExurasBrother) - Imperial Knight
Exura Caverinha - High Mage
Cecilia (BlindHealer) - Guardian Druid
Le'mon - High Mage
Santien - Imperial Knight
Lost Soul
Nafik - Knight
Burning Bruthus (BlindBob) - Knight
Lortsa - Mage
Arthur Dayne - High Mage
Sauron Blade - Knight
He'aler (Lemon) - Guardian Druid
Jestem - Imperial Knight
Pimenta'Sky - Knight
Dedek - Royal Archer
Sixteen - Druid
Jean Luc Picard - Imperial Knight
Marcus Licinius Crassus - Royal Archer
Cocodillha - Mage
Doustyle - Mage
Kiwi William - Imperial Knight
Spuner - Knight
Pogchaamp - Druid
Ares Hunter (PowerPaladin) - Archer
Cyr - High Mage
Proffsskit (calabocaaaaaa) - Druid
Tyrius Orvar (BlindPally) - Royal Archer
Mithredril (timeforgrandma) - Mage
Drusern - Mage
Forsakeus - Archer
Philosopher - Guardian Druid
Kiddosczen - Archer
Zanoni - Knight
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